CoolSculpting is not cheating.

The internet is a difficult place, constantly contradicting itself, bombarding you with images of unrealistic body types, and then barrating you for trying to change.

Here at Revere, we have a strong social media presence and it is not uncommon that every now and again we get a comment that sounds a bit like this – ‘CoolSculpting is a lie, just go and exercise – stop trying to cheat’

Whilst the majority of our comments are far happier than this, it saddens up to think that there are people out there who believe CoolSculpting is a shortcut. This perpetuates the idea that reaching out for help is cheating. For the majority of our clients at Revere they have been doing everything perfectly by the book. They have been exercising well and eating right, but due to external factors, such as age, gender and hormones, it is not possible to shift certain areas of fat through that alone. A lot of the time it is simply the way our bodies are made up, and therefore it really cannot be helped.

Furthermore, CoolSculpting works most successfully with clients whose ideal weight is within sight, but really just need that extra push, to help achieve the results you want, and more importantly deserve.

Unfortunately, whilst working out at the gym can do a lot, namely make you very sweaty (but we have miraDry for that!), exercise cannot target specific stubborn areas, not precisely anyway, unlike CoolSculpting, which specifically targets hard to budge areas, helping to enhance all the hard work you have already put in.

This is not to say that there are not people who want a quick fix, however, these are not typically the people who invest their time and money in CoolSculpting. Our clients are wearied by the work they are putting in and the lack of results they are seeing and feel like there is no other option.

CoolSculpting is the only FDA approved treatment of its kind, involving no needles and no anesthesia, which eliminates all the risks associated with invasive procedures, such as liposuction. CoolScultpting has been performed over 4 million times worldwide, and most clients can see results in as little as three weeks. CoolSculpting works by targeting stubborn patches of fat and freezing them, breaking down the fat cells, revealing a more toned and sculpted you.

When we show our clients there before and afters it is not uncommon for them to feel emotional and we are proud to be able to offer a release for our customers who feel that they have exceeded every other option. We are proud to be able to make them not only look, but feel different.

Revere have been working alongside CoolSculpting for almost a decade. This means that we have pioneered new ways to use the treatment, have been trusted with training other clinics and have a client following from far and wide, all because we care and want to make a difference.

For more information book a consultation with one of our qualified professionals today.